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IndyCar IndyCar series и Firestone Indy Lights

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Старый 30.04.2012, 01:31   #1
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По умолчанию KV Racing Technology

KV Racing Technology - действующая автоспортивная организация, выставляющая гоночнную команду в серии IRL IndyCar. На сегодняшний день команда выставляет три машины на полном расписании и одну - на ограниченном.

Команда основана в 2003 году Кевином Калховеном и Крейгом Поллоком под названием PK Racing для участия в серии ChampCar. базой для создания проекта стала другая бывшая команда серии - PacWest Racing

Команда вошла в список многочисленных дебютантов серии CART 2003 года. Дебютный сезон был проведён с одной машиной на полном расписании. За её рулём отмечались четверо пилотов, но наиболее успешны были двое — Макс Папис записал на свой счёт 4-е место на Road America; а Мика Сало дважды прорвался в Top5 — финн был третьим в Майами и 5-м — в Мехико.

В 2004 году проект притерпел существенные изменения — Поллок продал свою долю; новыми партёрами Калховена становятся бизнесмен Дэн Петит и действующий гонщик серии Джимми Вассер (это отражается и на названии — теперь команда заявляется в чемпионат как PKV Racing). Команда выставляет на старт две машины, однако в одной из них ехал как раз Вассер, а в другой — мексиканский рента-драйвер Роберто Гонсалес.

Мексиканец не добивается каких-либо особых успехов, а вот Вассеру удаётся пять раз за сезон приехать на финиш в Top5 (лучший результат — 2-е место в Торонто). Джимми заканчивает год 8-м.

Гонсалес в межсезонье покидает команду — на его место приходит экс-чемпион серии Кристиано да Матта.

В сезоне-2005 команда постепенно прогрессирует — Вассер дважды доезжает до подиумов (третьи места в Вегасе и Серферс-Парадайзе), а да Матта приносит команде первую в её истории победу (в Портленде).

Вассер, благодаря стабильным финишам, завершает год 6-м, бразилец же вдвое превосходит напарника по числу сходов (выдав в какой-то момент серию из 5 подряд нефинишей) и завершает год лишь 11-м.

В межсезонье да Матта покидает команду. Недолго задерживается за рулём одной из машин и Вассер — на Гран-при Лонг-Бич он завершает регулярную гоночную карьеру. На места же двух основных пилотов приходит ветеран «чампкаровских» гонок Ориоль Сервия и бронзовый призёр Атлантического чемпионата прошлого года Кэтрин Легг.

Ни испанец, ни британка не смогли сходу показывать результатов на уровне Вассера — Ориоль был более стабилен (финишировав четырежды в Top5) и закончил сезон 11-м; Кэтрин же была куда менее результативна — лишь 4 попадания в Top10 позволили ей завершить сезон на 16-й строчке. Лучший финиш пришёлся на Гран-при Кливленда: Сервия стартовав четвёртым финишируетна третьей позиции.

На следующий год Калховен вновь полностью обновил состав — на место Легг и Сервии пришёл Нил Яни и Тристан Гомменди.

Экс-тест-пилот STR F1 сходу смог найти общий язык с командой и начал показывать неплохие результаты — в итоге швейцарец лишь трижды за сезон не финишировал в Top10 и трижды финишировал в Top3 (в том числе дважды на втором месте — на этапах в Торонто и в Сан-Хосе). По итогам сезона Нил занял 9-ю строчку в общем зачёте.

Француз был менее стабилен, хотя именно он принёс команде поул на этапе в Мон-Треблане. Тристан ездил вполне на уровне Нила, но за два этапа до конца вынужден был покинуть команду - кончились спонсорские деньги. На его место был подписан Ориоль Сервия из Forsythe Racing, который успешно доехал сезон и был продлён на будущий год.

2008-й год стал очередным годом больших изменений: для начала продал свою длю в команде Дэн Петит (это привело к очередному смену названия организации — теперь на KV Racing Technology). Произошло и изменение в пилотском составе — удалось договориться с проектом Крейга Гоура Team Australia и место Нила Яни занял Уилл Пауэр.

Помимо этого команда вынужденно сменила серию — первенство Champ Car влилось в конкурирующую серию — IRL IndyCar. Переход в новые условия прошёл относительно успешно — пилоты Калховена и Вассера оказались стабильнее всех своих бывших соперников по Champ Car и вполне успешно влились в новые для себя условия. Пауэр с трудом находил себя на овальных трассах и во многом по этому проиграл внутри командное первенство, хотя и одержал единственную в сезоне для KV победу — на Гран-при Лонг-Бич (также эта гонка стала последней в истории Champ Car). Также вполне удачно прошёл дебют в Indy 500 — несмотря на квалификацию лишь на 8-м (Пауэр) и 9-м (Сервия) рядах в гонке Сервия прорвался на 11-е место, а Пауэр — на 13-е.

В итоговой таблице чемпионата Сервия занял 9-е место, а Пауэр — 12-е.

В 2009-м команду вновь ждала кадровая революция в пилотском составе - единственная машина на полном расписании была выставлена для прошлогоднего дебютанта серии - бразильца Марио Мораеса, также периодически появлялась вторая - за её руль садился Пол Трейси.

Марио неудачно провёл большую часть сезона, но в последних четырёх гонках он ни разу не финишировал ниже 7-й позиции. По итогам сезона бразилец занял 14-е место в общем зачёте.

В 2010-м году KV расширила программу участия в серии - помимо Мораеса был подписанs контракты с Эрнесто Визо и Такумой Сато. На более ограниченной программе, чем в 2009 году проехал сезон Пол Трейси.

Возвращения на позиции 2008 года не произошло - интернациональный пилотский состав хоть периодически и показывал неплохие результаты ( Визо закончил третьим гонку в Айове, Мораес четырежды финишировал в Top10 ), но в целом была нестабильна и всё больше закреплялась в роли одного из аутсайдеров серии. Особо подчёркивает тогдашний уровень квалификация к Indy 500 того года - многоопытный Пол Трейси умудрился не пройти отбор на старт.

Впрочем не всё было так плохо - в 2010-м году началось сотрудничество с Lotus Cars, которое вполне могло привести в недалёком будущем к качественному подъёму результатов.
На 2011 Команда также добавила бывшего чемпиона Tony Kanaan в третьем автомобиле.


#5 CITGO | PDVSA E. J. Viso


#8 BMC | EMBRASE Rubens Barrichello




Владельцы: Kevin Kalkhoven Jimmy Vasser
Управление: Mark Johnson Tom Wurtz Eric Cowdin Steve Moore Garrett Mothersead


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Последний раз редактировалось lanf1; 30.04.2012 в 01:41.
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Старый 30.04.2012, 20:56   #2
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По умолчанию Re: KV Racing Technology



SĀO PAULO, Brazil – April 29, 2012 – In a race filled with accidents and different strategies, KV Racing Technology driver E. J. Viso showed discipline and skill in finishing a team-high ninth while teammate Rubens Barrichello placed 10th in today’s Itaipava Indy 300 Nestle on the 2.5-mile, 11-turn temporary street circuit at São Paulo, Brazil. Tony Kanaan, the third of the KVRT trio of drivers, was involved in a late race incident and finished 13th.

Viso, No. 5 CITGO | PDVSA – KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone, qualified 14th but started 13th after Justin Wilson failed technical inspection late yesterday. The 27-year-old Venezuelan began to patiently work his way through the field from the start of the race and spent much of it in the top-10. The strategy the team employed actually had him in the top-five for almost the entire second stint however a series of yellow flags, due to accidents, early in the second stint and again late in the race nullified the team’s strategy. Never-the-less, it was Viso’s disciplined and error free driving, plus a well prepared and fast car that allowed Viso to come away with valuable championship points.

“Another top-10 finish is always a good thing especially when I am looking for championship points,” Viso said. “It was a bit of a sweet and sour weekend. We were not as fast as we expected in qualifying, however, we had a strong race. Unfortunately, there were several strategies used today and ours didn’t pay off the way we hoped. We all acknowledge that it was a difficult situation with the weather constantly changing and the number of yellow flags due to accidents. I think we had a car that was good enough to finish in the top-five and want to thank the crew and my engineer for doing a great job.

Viso made his third start in São Paulo today and earned his best finish (previous high was 12th in 2010). . He also had his second top-10 performance of the young 2012 season. In the season opener at St. Petersburg he placed eighth (also finished 12th in Long Beach). Viso earned 22 points today and is now 13th in the championship race with 76 points.

Barrichello. No. 8 BMC | EMBRASE – KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone, qualified 13th, but started 12th following the realignment. Immensely popular in his native Brazil, “Rubito”, 39, had the crowd on its feet for much of the race as he, like his teammate Viso, showed skill and determination while settling into a top-10 slot while making a run at a podium or at least a top-five finish. Unfortunately, he also feel victim to the yellow flags which allowed several competitors that were in the back of the field to pit out of sequence for fuel and thus make up valuable track position.

Commenting on his race, Barrichello said. “When you are in 16th place and at the end of the race you gain six positions you have to feel better. However, I have to say I did not understand the race. I was running third or fourth and all of a sudden I was 17th. We did have a few problems with the pit stops, but strategy was such a big factor this afternoon. In fact, when I saw Dario (Franchitti) after the race I stopped to talk to him and asked him when you should spin so you can come in a take fuel. I just want to thank all the Brazilian fans for coming out to the race. I gave my very best today. Unfortunately, because of all the cautions flags our strategy didn’t work out today but it will out some other day.”

Barrichello, who is in his first IndyCar season after spending the last 19-years in Formula One, has now put together back-to-back-to-back top-10 finishes (eighth at Barber, ninth at Long Beach to go with today’s 10th place finish) following a 17th place showing in his IndyCar debut at St. Petersburg. His results are even more impressive when you take into account that he is competing on IndyCar circuits for the first time and has been getting limited track time due to inclement weather and scheduling. Barrichello, who made 19 Formula One starts in Brazil with a best finish of third, picked up 20 points today and is now 11th in the championship standings with 79 points.

Kanaan, who drove the No. 11 ITAIPAVA | GEICO | MOUSER ELECTRONICS – KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone today, qualified 12th, but started 11th. The 37-year-old Brazilian, who pitted a couple of laps earlier than his teammates during the first stint was essentially on the same strategy and in line for a top-10 finish, however a late race incident dropped him to 13th.

“Unfortunately, our strategy didn’t work out the way we wanted because of the number of yellow flags,” Kanaan said. “That is racing. If everything had played out the way we envisioned and we had not got caught up in that pile-up we would have been in the top-five. It’s a shame, but it is always fun to race in front of the Brazilian fans. I want to thank them and my sponsors for supporting me. From here we go to Indy, which is the most important race of the season and we looking for a good result in a race I have been close to winning, but never have.”

Kanaan made his sixth U. S. based series start in Brazil. In two previous races in São Paulo, Kanaan has a best finish of 10th in 2010 (raced three times on the oval in Rio in CART with a best finish of fifth in 1999). After opening the season with a run of bad luck in the first two events, Kanaan broke out with a spectacular fourth place finish two weeks ago in Long Beach. A perennial championship contender (has finished in the top-six in the final standings in all nine of his full IndyCar seasons), Kanaan earned 13 points today and currently sits 14th in the standings with 71 points

Next up for KVRT is the Indianapolis 500, May 27, at the fabled Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis, Indiana. The race will be broadcast live on ABC beginning at 12:00 p.m. (ET).

KV Racing Technology was founded in January 2003 and joined the IndyCar Series in 2008. The Indianapolis based team is owned by successful venture capitalist Kevin Kalkhoven and 1996 IndyCar Champion Jimmy Vasser. Veteran Motorsports manager, Mark Johnson is the team’s General Manager. Johnson is assisted by Team Manager Tom Wurtz, Technical Director Eric Cowdin and Operations Manager Steve Moore.

For more information about KV Racing Technology visit: www.kvracingtechnology.com or follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/kvracing and Facebook: www.facebook.com/kvracingtechnology

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kup (22.05.2012)
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SPEEDWAY, In. – May 20, 2012 – It was Bump Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, but with all three cars safely in the field, KV Racing Technology took the opportunity to work on their race setups on the final full day of practice for the 96th running of the Indianapolis 500 to be held May 27th in Speedway,Indiana.

Tony Kanaan, in the No. 11 GEICO | MOUSER ELECTRONICS - KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone entry, who will start eighth in the Indy 500, had a fast lap of 219.749 mph good for 14th on the speed charts. He has led the team in speed in all eight practice sessions. Kanaan, who will be starting his 11th Indy 500, ran 66 laps today giving him 304 since full practice began on May 10. In 10 previous races Kanaan has finished in the top-10 five times with a best showing of second in 2004. He has led a total of 214 laps at the speedway and is the only driver in history to lead laps in his first seven Indy 500 starts.

“We spent today setting the car up for the race”, said Kanaan. “I was able to do a lot of running in traffic and see how the car felt so overall it was a good day.”

Viso, behind the wheel of the No. 5 CITGO | PDVSA – KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone car, who will grid ninth for the race, was second fastest on the team for the sixth time in eight sessions with a speed of 219.644 mph good for 15th on the practice report. Viso, who logged 60 laps today for a total of 379, will be contesting his fifth Indy 500. His ninth place qualifying position is by far the best at the Brickyard. His previous high was 18th in 2011. In four previous races the 27-year-old Venezuelan has a best finish is 24th

Commenting on practice today, Viso said. “After having a very satisfying qualifying yesterday, we worked on race setup today. We had plenty of things we needed to adjust and now we believe we are in a more comfortable position to race.”

Barrichello, piloting the No. 8 BMC | EMBRASE – KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone machine, will start 10th in his first Indy 500. He had a fast lap today of 219.330 mph good for 18th on the speed. Barrichello turned 78 laps today for a total of 526, by far the most of the KVRT trio. The 39-year-old Brazilian, a veteran of 19 Formula One seasons, is attempting to become the first driver to win both the Indianapolis 500 and the U. S. Grand Prix Formula One race (won in 2002) that was held on a road course that incorporated part of the IMS oval.

“I spent today working on how the car would feel in traffic”, said Barrichello. “There were a lot of cars on track and I am still trying to get used to how that feels. The race will be extremely busy so it was nice to be able to practice in that situation.”

There will be no on track action until Carburetion Day on Friday, May 25 when drivers will get one hour of final practice time. The Indianapolis 500 will be broadcastlive on ABC beginning at 12:00 p.m. (ET) (tape delayed at 7:00 p.m. ET in Indianapolis).

KV Racing Technology was founded in January 2003 and joined the IndyCar Series in 2008. The Indianapolis based team is owned by successful venture capitalist Kevin Kalkhoven and 1996 IndyCar Champion Jimmy Vasser. Veteran Motorsports manager, Mark Johnson is the team’s General Manager. Johnson is assisted by Team Manager Tom Wurtz, Technical Director Eric Cowdin and Operations Manager Steve Moore.

For more information about KV Racing Technology visit: www.kvracingtechnology.com or follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/kvracing and Facebook: www.facebook.com/kvracingtechnology


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kup (22.05.2012)
Старый 28.05.2012, 17:52   #4
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По умолчанию Re: KV Racing Technology




SPEEDWAY, In. – May 27, 2012 – KV Racing Technology driver Tony Kanaan finished third while Rubens Barrichello was the top rookie finisher placing 11th today in the 96th running of the Indianapolis 500 at the fabled Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana. Teammate E. J. Viso suffered a vibration in his car for most of the day and finished 18th.

Tony Kanaan, in the No. 11 GEICO | MOUSER ELECTRONICS - KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone entry, started eighth on the 2.5-mile superspeedway oval and ran a spectacular race. He spent the majority of the race inside the top-seven and patiently bid his time. Getting flawless pit work from his GEICO | MOUSER ELECTRONICS crew he was in seventh place on lap 166 when the team decided to make a strategic stop for fuel during a yellow flag gambling that they could go the remaining 34 laps and potentially fight for the win. The move paid off when ensuing yellow flags guaranteed Kanaan could run at full power until the end and also gave the talented Brazilian the opportunity to utilize his unquestioned skill during restarts. Kanaan took the lead, going from fifth to first, for just under a lap following a restart on lap 185. Then, with the crowd roaring, retook it again on lap 187 and led the next seven laps. Unfortunately, he relinquished the top spot to eventual winner Dario Franchitti, who got help from his teammate Scott Dixon, during a restart on lap 194. Kanaan dropped to fourth, but when Takuma Sato crashed on the final lap of the race, Kanaan moved up to third.

"It was an awesome day with a very close finish again,” Kanaan said. “It was a beautiful race and I think the fans enjoyed themselves. A third place finish is not bad, but I would have liked to of won here today."
Kanaan, 37, made his 11th Indy 500 start today. In 11 races he has finished in the top-10 six times including five top-five showings, a career-high second (in 2004), two third’s (2003 and 2012), a fourth (2011) and a fifth (2006). Kanaan has led a total of 221 laps at the speedway and is the only driver in history to lead laps in his first seven Indy 500 starts. Kanaan earned 42 points today and is now ninth in the Championship race with 113 points.

Barrichello, piloting the No. 8 BMC | EMBRASE – KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone machine, made his Indy 500 debut a memorable one. Starting 10th he dropped back into the middle of the pack as he and the team continued the process that had been so successful this month. Barrichello essentially went to “school” for the first half of the race, taking his time, learning how to run with 33 cars on track and dealing with the tricky turbulence that can often get a rookie in trouble. He began to move up towards the top-10 after the first 100 laps and by lap 148 was in the top-10. Over the final 50 laps, Barrichello, who used the same race strategy as his teammate, was fighting for a top-10 finish getting as high as ninth but fell just short, placing 11th. Never-the-less the 11th place finish made him the highest finishing rookie of the eight rookies to start the race.

"It was a very busy afternoon,” Barrichello said. “I had to be a quick learner and the last 20 laps were totally different to the first 180. Today I wanted to be competitive, but I also wanted to make sure I was running till the finish. I think right at the end we had a little too much downforce on the car, but I am so proud of what we achieved. The team did a fantastic job of keeping me safe and I really enjoyed my first Indianapolis 500."
Barrichello, 40, a veteran of 19 Formula One seasons, was attempting to become the first driver to win both the Indianapolis 500 and the U. S. Grand Prix Formula One race (won in 2002) that was held on a road course that incorporated part of the IMS oval. The native of Brazil earned 23 points today and is now 11th in the Championship standings with 102 points.

Viso, behind the wheel of the No. 5 CITGO | PDVSA – KV Racing Technology Chevrolet/Firestone car, started a career best ninth for the Indy 500 and appeared to be in a good position to have a successful race. However, he quickly developed a serious vibration in the car which at first caused him to lose track position and then forced him to pit numerous times as the team first accessed the problem, then tried to fix it. In the end nothing worked and the young Venezuelan was forced, with the support of his crew, to fight through the problem. The result was he gutted his way to the finish and earned valuable and hard fought championship points.

“I had a lot of good thoughts and a strong belief that we would finish in a great position today,” said Viso. “It didn’t happen because of some issue that occurred with the car during the race. The biggest problem was a big vibration that we believed was coming from the dampers. The vibrations then caused a whole series of other problems. I feel lucky I did not put the car in the wall. I want to give a lot of credit to the team. We had a pretty smooth month of May. We learned some things and grew as a team. I didn’t have the best car out there today, however the entire crew put in a lot of effort and we did finish the race. I want to congratulate my teammate Tony Kanaan. He almost won this race and ended up finishing third. I believe we are getting better every race and some good results are coming.
Viso, 27, contested his fifth Indy 500 today. In five races here, the 18th place finish today ties his best showing which he also achieved last year. He earned 18 points and is now 17th in the standings with 94 points.

Kanaan’s third place showing is the best for KVRT in five races at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (total of 12 starts). Townsend Bell in 2010 and Kanaan in 2011 both finished fourth. It is the third best combined finish by the team behind Bell’s fourth and a ninth by Paul Tracy in 2009 and the fourth by Kanaan and an eighth by Tomas Scheckter in 2011.

Next up for KVRT is the Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix, June 1-3, on the temporary street circuit on Belle Isle in Detroit, Michigan. The race will be broadcast live starting at 3:30 p.m. ET on ABC.

KV Racing Technology was founded in January 2003 and joined the IndyCar Series in 2008. The Indianapolis based team is owned by successful venture capitalist Kevin Kalkhoven and 1996 IndyCar Champion Jimmy Vasser. Veteran Motorsports manager, Mark Johnson is the team’s General Manager. Johnson is assisted by Team Manager Tom Wurtz, Technical Director Eric Cowdin and Operations Manager Steve Moore.

For more information about KV Racing Technology visit: www.kvracingtechnology.com or follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/kvracing and Facebook: www.facebook.com/kvracingtechnology

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По умолчанию Re: KV Racing Technology

Команда KV Racing благодарит болельщиков и покидает IndyCar

Команда KV Racing благодарит болельщиков и покидает IndyCar

В ответ на многочисленные слухи и разоговоры относительно будущего команды KV Racing Technology, её владельцы Кевин Калховен и Джимми Вассер выпустили официальный пресс-релиз, в котором сообщается о закрытии команды:

«Я хочу поблагодарить всех, кто выразил признательность нашей команде KV Racing Technology за все наши усилия, которые мы приложили за последние 14 лет, - сказал Калховен. – Но мне уже почти 73 года, и я чувствую, что уже не могу поддерживать команду также как прежде и прилагать такие усилия, которых заслуживают наши сотрудники.

Я получил большое удовольствие в этой гоночной серии, я помог с процессом её объединения [в 2008 году], и наша команда выиграла величайшую гонку на земле - 500 миль Индианаполиса!

Я искренне верю в то, что под руководством Марка Майлза и Джея Фрая серия IndyCar растёт, и у неё большое будущее. Я по-прежнему со своей стороны готов помогать всем, чем могу, в части привлечения новых команд и спонсоров. В частности, это касается Рикардо Джункоса, которому мы окажем поддержку».

Как сообщает издание RACER, команда Juncos Racing из серии IndyLights покупает обе машины у команды KV Racing и намерена выставить их в этом году в гонке Инди 500.

«Я хочу от всего сердца поблагодарить всех болельщиков, которые следят за серией IndyCar, и всех, кто болел за команду KVRT. Пожалуйста, участвуйте в продвижении IndyCar, говорите о том, насколько это фантастические гонки», - сказал Калховен.

Команда KV Racing Technology, которая базируется в Индианаполисе, была основана в январе 2003 года венчурным бизнесменом Кевином Калховеном и чемпионом серии ChampCar 1996 года Джимми Вассером. Изначально команда выступала в серии ChampCar, а после объединения чемпионата IndyCar в 2008 году стала его частью.

За 14 сезонов в ChampCar и IndyCar коллектив совершил 464 старта и выиграл семь гонок, в том числе и Инди 500 в 2013 году вместе с Тони Канааном (на заглавном фото - прим.). Пять из этих семи побед были добыты командой в прошлые четыре сезона, последней стала победа Себастьяна Бурдэ в первой гонке в Детройте в 2016 году. На счету команды 29 подиумов, 76 финишей в топ-5, 182 в топ-10 и восемь поулов.
Джимми Вассер и Кевин Калховен
Джимми Вассер и Кевин Калховен

«В первую очередь я хочу поблагодарить всех болельщиков, которые на протяжении многих лет поддерживали нашу команду, - сказал Джимми Вассер. – Я также хочу поблагодарить Кевина Калховена за то, что он дал мне уникальную возможность, превратиться из пилота во владельца команды в то время, когда я ещё продолжал выступать.

Я горжусь, что был частью этого коллектива, и всегда буду дорожить всеми замечательными людьми, с которыми мне довелось работать, с кем вместе мы добились успеха. В течение нашего пути были и взлёты и падения, но я всегда буду помнить нашу победу в Инди 500 в 2013 году.

Гонки IndyCar были частью моей жизни на протяжении 25 лет, это часть моей души, и будет интересно посмотреть, что мне уготовила судьба в будущем».

За 14 лет среди пилотов команды KV Racing Technology были Джимми Вассер, Макс Папис, Мика Сало, Брайан Херта, Кристиано да Матта, Ориоль Сервия, Уилл Пауэр, Нил Джани, Пол Трейси, Такума Сато, Тони Канаан, Рубенс Баррикелло, Симона дэ Сильвестро, Себастьян Бурдэ, Стефано Колетти и другие.

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